Bowen Technique

What is the Bowen Technique?

The Bowen Technique is a simple and yet powerful holistic therapy, which helps promote the natural healing capabilities of your body. It is used for treating a wide range of conditions, injuries and health issues. It is very gentle and relaxing, and no forceful manipulation is used.

Bowen therapy is a holistic therapy, treating the whole person, not just the presenting symptoms. It works over muscles, ligaments, tendons, fascia and nerves to realign and balance the body, promoting a reduction in stress and pain levels.

The technique was developed in the 1950’s in Australia, by Tom Bowen and was first introduced into the UK in 1993.n.

How does it work?

Our bodies are capable of repairing and healing themselves, however, our systems can become overwhelmed and unbalanced through stress, injury, illness and disease, which means that they function less efficiently. This results in symptoms such as pain, restricted movement and postural problems, or a weakened immune system. By adopting a holistic approach, Bowen is used to improve the body’s ability to restore an optimal health balance.

The technique consists of a series of gentle, relaxing and precise moves over specific muscles, tendons, fascia and nerves, which stimulates energy flow, removes blockages and empowers the body’s own healing resources. This relieves all kinds of injury, muscular, skeletal and nerve imbalances.

One of the most profound effects Bowen can have is on the autonomic nervous system, which controls over 80% of the bodily functions – releasing stress at a very deep level.

What does it involve?

The Bowen Technique is a couch-based therapy, however, it can also be performed seated. The best results are obtained by performing the moves direct on the skin, although it can also be done through light clothing.

A treatment consists of a series of subtle and light movements at specific locations on the body. This allows your body to relax, which in turn encourages the healing process.

There are pauses throughout the session, which allows the body to absorb the information it has received and to start readjusting and healing itself. Some clients become so relaxed that they fall asleep during their session.

Bowen works on the principle that “less is more” and each treatment will only include as many moves as your body needs to begin the process of repair.

A session will normally take between 45-90 minutes.

How can it help me?

The gentle approach to Bowen means that it is may be suitable for all ages, from babies to the elderly, and from the fit and active to those less able.

It can be used as a remedial therapy for numerous ailments, including sports injuries, skeletal and muscular problems. It is also effective in reducing stress and proactively maintaining your wellbeing.

The Bowen Technique may help with the symptoms of conditions such as:

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety, stress and tension
  • Baby and childhood problems
  • Back pain and spinal problems
  • Bedwetting, incontinence
  • Bladder problems, bedwetting
  • Bowel problems
  • Digestive complaints
  • Dizziness
  • Ear Problems
  • Fatigue
  • Fluid retention
  • Foot problems
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Headaches (migraine, sinus)
  • Jaw problems (grinding of teeth, misalignment etc)
  • Knee and hip restrictions, misalignments
  • Menstrual and other female problems
  • Muscular and skeletal disorders
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Pelvic tilt, leg length, hip imbalance
  • Poor mobility
  • Repetitive Strain Injury
  • Respiratory and bronchial symptoms
  • Sports injuries
  • Stroke rehabilitation

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"Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it"
Tori Amos

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